The Hot Mess to Awesomeness
BLOGBe Inspired, Feel Empowered & Get Excited to put YOU 1st!
Does staying busy feel more comfortable than relaxing?
Maybe instead of trying to force ourselves to relax, we could take the time to explore why we feel the need to stay busy!?!
How to build the habit of putting you LAST!
The habit of putting YOU last is built the same way every habit is built…PRACTICE!
Awareness is a double-edged sword that can lead to burnout!
Years of reflection & healing have helped me to understand how my beliefs and more importantly where they came from, led to burnout!
Pleasure is not a dirty word!
We say we want to be happy and lit up by our work & relationships, yet when the idea of pleasure comes up why do we turn away?
Who said you had to put yourself last?
You weren’t the one who put you last on the list! But it IS your responsibility to notice how wrong that is and to change it!
“What’s love got to do with it?”
I’ve noticed that sometimes it only takes a couple of shitty minutes to spin my entire day out of control. Why is that?
Reflecting on Art, Motherhood & Burnout
Art, motherhood & burnout: A unique journey & unifying human experience. Camille Myles is a French-Canadian multi-disciplinary contemporary artist, conservation activist and mom of 3, exploring imagery through portraiture rooted in gender roles, identity, motherhood and the environment....
When your Successful Dream Job Turns Out To Be A Nightmare!
“To be successful you must be constantly working" At the age of 24, while making 6 figures and living her “dream life”, my guest Danielle Paulo believed with every ounce of her being that working nons-top was they only way to the top. But the dream she was living was actually a nightmare....
Burnout or Relaxation: What you Practice You Get Good At!
She spent years living in burnout! Denise describes her years living in burnout as ‘go-go-go-colapse-repeat’. And when she finally decided to break free from this extremely unhealthy lifestyle, she realized that busy women like her needed a place where they could test out different ways to relax,...

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