What if...
What 'should' make you Happy doesn't anymore?Do you just suck it up and ignore that empty feeling?
Do you try to convince yourself that you should be grateful for what you have; the job, the home, the kids, the friends? That might work for a while, but what do you do when that feeling comes back, and all the things you did to keep yourself busy and numb no longer work?
What then?
After weeks, months, years of pushing away those thoughts and feelings…
“Is this as good as it gets? I’ve worked so hard, helped so many people, done all the things I was supposed to do…why am I not happy? What’s wrong with me?”
Your body WILL push back.
Maybe you've noticed...
That you have very little patience (frustration, anger and resentment bubbles up very quickly). There’s a new and persistent stiffness in your neck, back and shoulders. Headaches are more common than they used to be and when sadness hits, it’s harder to shake off. You find yourself eating/drinking/scrolling more, wanting to escape more and languishing has become the norm.
The real struggle is ...
When your inner critic joins the conversation and fights to keep you from being curious about what you’re thinking & feeling. Your inner critic doesn’t like change…even if that change has the potential to make you happier. Its biggest fear is that whatever you try next may be worse than what you have now. It can not see the possibilities that lie in the unknown, only the chaos.
What's different now...
- Maybe it’s because the pandemic changed things?
- Maybe being disconnected from “life as you know it” changed you?
- Or maybe during those years of constant uncertainty, you started to question what matters most to you and now you can see what’s not working?
No matter what is causing you to question your thoughts, your habits, your purpose and your life, the part of you that wants desperately to ignore your inner critic and BE truly happy, is ready to take a stand and break through its stronghold!
imagine a different life.
Because there is more out there for you.
After working together, you will find the time and energy to do more of what ‘lights you up’, and build the habit of embracing your Awesomeness.
I could tell you all about the ways that I can help you break out of the past and move into the future. But who better to tell you, than women who have experienced working with me first hand…

Feel Empowered
Feel empowered, hopeful and aware of your own values so you can access the things you wish to have in your life.
– Anne L, Realtor

Live Authentically
I am becoming a stronger person who is living more authentically than I can ever remember. And I feel pretty darn good about that!
– Mandy L.

healthy boundaries
Reframe your narrative and set healthy boundaries so that you can model a self-compassionate, trusting relationship with yourself for your loved ones who learn from you.
– Jess C. Culinary Nutrition Expert

be present
Become more present and able to ‘show up’ in business for your clients, at home for your family and in your friendships.
– Holly B, Functional Nutritionist
Here’s THE Tea!
What your inner critic does NOT want you to know…
You are not here to be like everyone else.
You are not here for anyone else.
And most importantly, you already have everything you need to end the battle with your inner critic.
You’ve struggled with feeling frustrated, resentful & angry long enough. It’s time to stop letting your past dictate your future. Now is the time to get excited, feel empowered to get out of your own way and be inspired to flourish in the face of uncertainty!
i Get it. I’ve been there before.
Meet my inner critic “Bertha”!
Before my breakthrough (which essentially was a series of breakdowns), I had a huge issue with anxiety. And by huge I mean that I was a high-achieving, people-pleasing perfectionist who dutifully ran myslef ragged fitting into society’s “good girl” ideal. Looking back, it’s crazy that I never questioned why I lived almost every moment in a state of perpetual stress and that I didn’t notice that my habit of being stressed led to a long list of numbing behaviours I relied on to “relax”.
Outwardly, my life seemed picture perfect, great job, great husband, nice house, clean kids…However, I had no idea how to trust myself and no amount of pretending or forcing myself to be the “confident” woman I thought I was supposed to be, could help me.
I felt like I was failing miserably at being the strong independent woman Beyonce said I should be… that was until the moment I decided to take 100 percent responsibility for my life, let go of everyone else’s expectations of me and learn to embrace my unique awesomeness!
Once I was willing to do the work and ready to locate and listen to my higher self (the inner voice that knew how to stand up to my inner critic Bertha), I finally silenced her. She had been in charge for so long, I didn’t even realize how much power I had given her. I tried occasionally to step beyond what she felt was right for me (my comfort zone) but I could never seem to make it stick. My journey back to me, back to trusting myself, has been long. And worth every second!
Over the last decade, I have worked with inspirational guides and coaches, read powerful books and attracted people who embrace creativity and connection. Through my love of learning, I found ways to integrate all that was coming into my life and follow what fascinated me. This helped me carve my own path and align with my fully authentic self.
As a life coach, (and in Projector in Human Design) I believe that true happiness comes when you trust yourself to flourish through the hot messes. The core of my work is about building helping you build self-trust. I believe it is a birthright that many of us have been conditioned to ignore and forget, and I know that only through a willingness to believe in something different, will you get it back!
Inspired by other brave, brilliant patriarchy-disruptors and motivated by my drive to rewrite the universal narrative that glorifies burnout, I’m a coach, podcaster, storyteller, artist and recovering people-pleasing-perfectionist on a mission to guide amazing people (like you), from Hot Mess to Awesomeness!
end the excuses.
It’s your time.
Do you want to know what clients tell me?
After working together, they feel inspired to be their bold selves, to reframe their thoughts, and to unapologetically take action. What does it take to feel this way?
It takes making a commitment to awesomeness.
If you’re thinking you don’t have the money, the time, or the energy for it, I wonder…
What would life be like in 12 months if you didn’t take any action? How much money will you spend numbing out, trying to escaspe your life? How will that actually feel?
Investing in life coaching is a positive way to make changes that will fulfill you and bring happiness.
It takes time to commit to this kind of work. Breakthroughs don’t happen overnight.
If you were able to open up your schedule and create the time, would this be a ‘yes’ for you? I can help you with managing your time so that you can pursue your desire.
It takes energy to put yourself first!
What is it that you want? How would you feel if you had that? If you were at the top of your priority list, your cup would be filled first. That means you would have more to give to the people that you want to give to.